There are plenty of items to evolve in Vampire Survivors, including the Cherry Bomb. If you need help figuring out how to evolve the Cherry Bomb into Yatta Daikarin, this guide will tell you everything you need to know about how to evolve the item in the game.
How to evolve Cherry Bomb in Vampire Survivors

If you need help evolving the Cherry Bomb in Vampire Survivors, this guide will tell you how. For a long time, this weapon didn’t have an evolution, but it finally does. Similar to the Bone, it bounces off of surfaces and enemies and has a chance to explode.
It has quite a few prerequisites in order to evolve it, so strap yourself in for a journey. The first step is to collect all Standard Relics to unlock Eudaimonia Machine so that you can get Gracia’s Mirror. You then need to complete Inlaid Library and reach level 80. This will help you unlock Astral Stair.
In order to evolve the Cherry Bomb, you need to play as Yatta Cavallo. This is because he is the only one who has Cherry Bomb as their starting weapon, and that’s the only way you can get it. Obtain the Chaos Rosalia relic in Astral Stair, and get to level 80 and Yatta Cavallo will transform into a constellation-type creature.
You will then have the Yatta Daikarin. This works the same as the Cherry Bomb, but the explosions are bigger and will have constellations within the explosions.
That’s everything you need to know about how to evolve the Cherry Bomb in Vampire Survivors into the Yatta Daikarin.
For more Vampire Survivors guides, keep reading The Games Cabin.