"Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood" star Nikki Mudarris claims she had no idea a recently leaked sex tape would surface and she's warning everyone who posts it to take it down ... or she'll sue.
Mudarris appears in the video with 'L&HH' co-star Mally Mall and it hit the web this week like wildfire. Nikki's lawyer threatened legal action in a letter sent to various blogs that posted the video to take it down STAT.
Her attorney claims the video was recorded without Nikki's knowledge and reports of her speaking with Vivid about a deal for the tape are flat out lies.
Media outlets were given until 5 PM Thursday to 86 the tape from their sites.
See also

Lil Wayne -- If Someone Sells a Sex Tape with My Socks On, I'll Sue!!!

Karlie Redd – I'm Choosing Playboy Over Porn

Vivid Honcho Steve Hirsch -- Kylie Jenner's Sex Tape Could Be Bigger Than Kim's! (VIDEO)
- Mally Mall Nikki Mudarris Reality TV Sex Tape Love And Hip Hop Couples