Last week, Bikini Kill announced their first reunion shows in more than two decades, which is great news for Bikini Kill fans and even greater news for their archenemy Courtney Love. For today’s lesson in history’s delightful feuds, you’ll recall that Love and Bikini Kill front woman Kathleen Hanna once came to blows at Lollapalooza ’95 in Seattle, where legend has it that Love either punched Hanna, threw candy at her face, or “slapped her in the direction of her face.” (Honestly, all we ask to be true is that Hanna screamed, “I challenge you to a feminist debate in any university in America!” during the altercation.) Twenty-three years later and Love is back on her bullshit: Commenting on an Instagram post about their reunion, Love has called Bikini Kill the “biggest hoax in history of rock and roll” and Hanna a mere hack. “Two of that band total amateurs. Hanna is a good hype man. But her persona is such a diy nonsense dilettante,” she wrote. “A big idea they cannot convey, because they suck.” Someone alert Mark Ruffalo — our bitch is back!
Courtney Love’s Petty Feud With Kathleen Hanna Lives OnncG1vNJzZmivp6x7t8HLrayrnV6YvK57kWlocmdgZnyku9Srq6edqWK5sMLErGSkmaSduaaxzWafmqaelnqnsdSdZaGsnaE%3D