“More Cowbell,” “Mr. Robinson’s Neighborhood,” and “Celebrity Jeopardy” are all classic sketches from Saturday Night Live that fans revisit over and over again to relive the sheer comedy. Also, among the best of the best SNL bits is The Barry Gibb Talk Show, which like the other spoofs tickles the funny bone no matter how much we watch it. With that in mind, here are the top three reasons that The Barry Gibb Talk Show sketch never gets old.

The obvious bromance between Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake shines through
Former Saturday Night Live standout, and current host of The Tonight Show, Jimmy Fallon, originated some of the funniest characters on the series. Recurring guest and superstar recording artist, Justin Timberlake, has been a guest actor on SNL over the years. And the ex-boy band lead singer has surprising comedic timing.
The duo of Fallon and Timberlake have partnered over the years, both on Saturday Night Live and The Tonight Show to make viewers laugh out loud with their mini comedy acts. One such team-up brought fans SNL’s The Barry Gibb Talk Show.
In the sketch, Fallon mimics Barry Gibb of the legendary disco group, The Bee Gees. Timberlake plays his brother and talk show sidekick, Robin. The singers host a series of very serious guests, including politicians, and hilarity, of course, ensues.
The chemistry between Fallon and Timberlake is what makes the bit work so well. They play off of each other like two sides of the same comedic coin. What’s more, based on years of many fun-filled collaborations, the guys seem to genuinely dig each other.
The schtick is so hilarious that even the ‘SNL’ actors have to laugh

I’m “Barry F-ing Gibb,” declares Fallon in character. Gibb is best known for his trademark high-pitched falsetto singing voice. Fallon uses that detail effectively for comedic effect. He often breaks into falsetto while interviewing guests, as if he cannot control his superpower of song.
Fallon’s version of Gibb also has an explosive temper. “I got a degree from the streets of Melbourne, Australia,” he once bellowed. “So help me God, I have a buck knife in my shoe. I will split you open like a soft-shell crab and wear your carcass like a raincoat.” In contrast, Timberlake’s Robin caricature is more soft spoken and low-key.
From the hilarious interpretations to the outlandish script, The Barry Gibb Talk Show earns laughs from the audience. But even more impressive is the actors’ ability to make the SNL cast break character in uncontainable smirks, and sometimes stifled giggles. The genuine amusement and effort to contain said amusement makes the bit even funnier.
‘The Barry Gibb Talk Show’ theme song has become a classic
Because the fictional Barry Gibb Talk Show is a talk show, it appropriately has a catchy theme song. And the melody? It’s a parody of the Bee Gees’ popular 1975 hit, “Nights on Broadway.” The show theme adds yet another layer of hilarity with clever lyrics and a committed performance. The laughable lyrics are as follows:
"Here we are in a room full of strangers Discussing politics and the issues of the day Well, I want to talk to you Now, you may not want me to I’m still gonna talk to you I don’t care what you say Talkin’ it up On the Barry Gibb Talk Show Talkin’ ‘bout issues Talkin’ ‘bout real important issues Talkin’ it up On the Barry Gibb Talk Show Talkin’ ‘bout politics And this crazy, crazy town, oh yeah. Talkin’ it up On the Barry Gibb Talk Show Talkin’ ‘bout chest hair Talkin’ ‘bout crazy cool medallions.